Inside one of these crates is two sets of Chinese Stealth Armor. Once you see the room, turn to your left. It's in the room with the toxic barrels and green goop.
The Chinese stealth armor can be found in the Hoover Dam offices. Armors are in pretty bad shape, but after repairing them you own possibly best armor of the game. At the bottom you see two(2) dead Brotherhood of Steel Paladins who wear T-51b Power Armors. Kill a few centaurs that are leaching the radiation and you see a possible meteor crater with large amounts of radiation. When you detect small amounts of radiation you're close. Up left is Brotherhood of Steels camp, but we head up right. There you have 2 options up left or up right. From the cliffs turn left and head to a small canyon, which by the way is full of scorpions, that leads to a 'Scorpion gulch'. Armor or to be precise armors are located near HELIOS 1.